Sunday, August 31, 2008

Sunday, August 31, 2008

Today we had an awesome time in worship at Cornerstone. We had a Children & Youth Day Worship Celebration; and the children and youth both did an outstanding job. They, along with the volunteers and directors are to be commended for their faithful service and stewardship in this effort and day. I praise the Lord for these people; they make it happen! Another treat was the preaching of God's Word. Rev. Johnny L. Goff, Jr., associate minister of Greater Friendship Baptist Church (I preached revival there earlier this month) brought the word. He came out of II Chronicles chapter 20 and he did an OUTSTANDING job of sharing God's word. It was a message that proved to be timely as well as convicting. I thank the Lord for using him in such a powerful way. His study and character were evident as he shared with us today. Johnny is a good brother whom I have met this past year through different people, ministers and friends. The Lord is allowing us to cultivate a great friendship and commodoree as co-laborers in ministry. Little did I know that, not only did he graduate from Willowridge High School here in the Houston area in '95, but he is also a '99 grad of West Point and was the starting quarterback for the Army Team. He is now enrolled in the College of Biblical Studies here in the Houston area and it is difficult to believe that this young man (whose father is a Pastor) has only been preaching since 2005. I look forward to seeing great things in the life of this minister and doing all that I can possibly can to ensure that he, along with other faithful proclaimers of God's Word, continues to grow and expand.


Vietta P's two cents worth said...

I rejoice with you Pastor Kraig for the spirit filled Children & Youth Day Worship Celebration. As you well know, I work with this department at SJFBC. This is a passion of mine. It is a wonderful ministry to be the first to aid in the transformation of a young soul. It is exciting to see the origin of a brand new spiritual journey. I believe first impression can be EVERYTHING in ALL things. Those who work with young people (as well as the parents) have an awesome responsibility in introducing Christ. So, I am REALLY happy as well Pastor. I am sure the service as a whole was a complete blessing to the Conerstone family.
I love you.

Pastor A. A. McGhee said...

Glad you had an awesome Sunday with the church of today (youth). May God bless your blossoming friendship!!

Pastor Lance A. Mann said...

Praise God Kraig for your day in worship yesterday. I am glad to hear that the Cornerstone Church was blessed by the worship and word.


Pastor W.L. Pullam said...

Praise the Lord and thank you pastor for the praise report from the Cornerstone Church. And what a blessing it is for God to be so gracious as to send friends and brothers into our lives. I pray that the friendship will continue to grow.

Rev.Aaron Holcombe said...

I thank God that you and your church have a heart for young people. As a Youth Pastor it always brings joy to my heart to hear such a good report! May God bless you in your continued service for Him. Your Brother in Christ ~Aaron