Saturday, August 02, 2008

Let me say at the outset that this blog is not at all intended to be spiritual or theological. However--I must make an open confession that I don't share over the pulpit. I am intrigued by little mysteries from time to time. I find it quite amusing. BUT...what I just found may have topped them all. It is 1a.m. and I am extremely tired. However, I needed to log on and see if one of our ministers emailed me; need to communicate with some of them about an outreach event tomorrow that is happening in our community (I can't make it due to a funeral at the same time). Immediately I happened upon an interesting picture:

The report is:

A photo of a strange creature lying dead on a Montauk, N.Y., beach, fuels Web-wide speculation and amusement. "It looked like nothing I'd ever seen before," Ryan O'Shea, one of the witnesses, told Newsday. "It looked like it died angry."

I DO NOT claim to know what it is. AND I try to take out of my head images that correlate to our preconceived ideas of biblical characters or persona. (i.e. - Moses had a Big white fro, the Devil has a pitch-fork, Goliath drank Gatorade, etc.) BUT I must admit that something did pop into my head (take note: It is past 1am, I am very tired, and I may not be in my right mind) the story of Jesus encountering Mr. Legion; in that story - the writer(s) report in the historical narrative how Jesus exorcises the demons; those demons enter the swine, etc.

This--to me--is quite amusing. In eternity--it would be so funny if all of my blogging friends here on earth would say to me: is something else. We have found some of the great mysterious since we've been here in glory. We now know what Paul's 'thorn' was; we now know what Jesus wrote on the ground during the event of that woman being caught in the act of adultery; we know now how Jacob felt when wrestling with the angel all night; AND we NOW know that the creature you blogged about was one of the actual swine recorded in Mark 1 along the shore of Capernaum and made it's way to the U.S. -- who would have ever thought.

By the way - I am sure there are some Pastors and Christian Leaders who will swear that this creature's cousin is sitting in the pew each and every Sunday!!! Some would even venture to say that these creatures are alive, doing well, and give them Sheol on a consistent basis.

NOTE: This blog may be deleted soon UNLESS I am bold enough to keep it here unedited. I hope someone enjoys my humor and doesn't take me too seriously this go round. I'll try to do better next blog!


Pastor Kevin Lanier Pullam said...

Lions, and tigers, and bears, and who???

Man, I saw this article on yesterday as well. It was, at the very least, intriguing to the mind. I read their "guesses" about the several things could be and I thought the "turtle without a shell" explanation was a pretty good one until I read your "theory." lol

Your brother

Pastor A. A. McGhee said...

Pastor Kraig,

You're entitled. Thanks for keeping it real.

Pastor Lance A. Mann said...

Kraig, you are fast becoming my real good friend, so it is really okay for me to say this. Please don't blog when it's 1 AM...please go to bed (LOL). Preach for Jesus tomorrow my friend.


Anonymous said...

Get some rest my Baby. I thoroughly enjoyed your humor and insight. Reminds me why I miss you being around so much. You could always bring a smile. I love you.

P.S. Don't delete. It was a great read. Others may enjoy it as well.

Pastor Kraig L. Pullam said...

You guys are funny!!!