Saturday, August 23, 2008

Go Cowboys!

I must admit that I am a staunch/die hard Dallas Cowboys fan to the core! Eventually, I will have to indoctrinate myself into the culture of the Houston Texas - being I now live in the Houston area and have so lived here for over 7 years now. I was eating dinner with my family yesterday afternoon in Irving when we noticed many people sporting Cowboy jersey's. My wife attempted, non-stop, to convice me that we should go. I had no problem with going; but paying for it was my problem. I just knew the tickets, though still in pre-season, would not be 5 or 10 dollars. We left there and we sort of gravitated to the Texas Stadium. Before we knew it we had our tickets and we were excited about the game, sort of. They just so happened to be playing the Houston Texans. I must say that we were there. This is my first time being to a professional football game; and I am grateful to have now had the experience.

I did learn a few things, however:
1. It's not all it's cracked up to be (It was very hot (no A/C); we had to walk A LOT. When I say a lot, I mean MORE than Disney; people on your row keep coming and going, so you really aren't watching the game) Interestingly, we were close, but you still get a better view of the game on television in your living room.)

2. Men ARE committed. I have read book after book that has said that there are several reasons why men either hate church or do not attend.

....Men aren't committed (They were committed amid the above mentioned things).....Men don't like to spend money in the offering (The prices at the games are outrageous. I saw enough beer to overwhelm Amy Winehouse)

I will not say that I didn't enjoy the experience. I also will not say that I won't be back - I'll take free tickets any day out of the week. But I WILL say - that was money not well spent...PERIOD!


Vietta P's two cents worth said...

In my opinion you DID get your money's worth and more. Time spent with your wife and kids (especially "young" children) is pricless, whatever you decide to do. Your children can now say something you couldn't say until you were 30 years old "I have been to a professional football game" and "my Dad took me". I assure you that is a conversation that is comming up real soon in Kai's kindergarden class. YOU will be the hero. Not many kids his age will have the come back, SO!!..... "I did to".

But, you are exactly right. The best seat in the house is at home in your easy chair.

I love you.

Anonymous said...

Kraig, Mom knows best!

Your kids will never forget this experience.

Be Encouraged!

Tony R.

Rev. Brad Hurley said...

Brother I understand what your saying. Not everyone has the Lord on there mind like you did there in that place. You saw the potencial souls in that place. Your in love with Jesus! 1st command. Love your God with all your heart.

Pastor A. A. McGhee said...

This is good stuff! I have yet to taste the experience of a professional football game. I'm happy for you and your family. Hope all went well today. Bless you my brother.

Pastor Lance A. Mann said...

Kraig, are you crazy? That was some of the best spent money ever!!! As a LIFE-LONG Cowboys fan who has never been to a game, I would have absolutely loved to change places with you on Saturday. You were blessed to be with your family first of all, and then get to see the Boys. God be praised. He had his hand on you Rev. LOL
