Thursday, August 28, 2008

An Historic Evening

I have just finished watching the final speech of the DNC; I just can't seem to hold back the tears. I spoke with our church tonight; and I wish to express it here. We as the Christian Church are to dissuade ourselves from taking political sides - atleast that is what we are advised to do in the 21st century. OF course, I can show clearly a myriad of scriptures that show Christ actively involved in social justice, political change and activism. But whether Republican or Democrat, Conservative or Liberal, Left or Right, Black or White - we can not deny the fact that there are significant strides that have been made. A black man is nominated for President of the United States and a white woman recieves OVER 18 million votes and ALMOST wins the nomination. IT doesn't matter if you like these people or their policies, history IS history.

On another note, we as Christian should learn to know a 'tree by the fruit it bears'. It is dangerous when we play a game and try to suggest or pre-suppose that one particular church, organization, party, family, race, or anything - is AUTOMATICALLY God's choice. If there is no fruit or evidence of your 'evangelical' stance and position - then your 'moral majority' may not be moral at all. The bottom line is this - I ask each and every person to LISTEN to what each and every candidate is SAYING and ALSO what they have done.


Anonymous said...

I couldn't agree more!


Vietta P's two cents worth said...

I think we have made some great strides as well as a Nation, and as a race of people. I am grateful that I was allowed to witness some history that I thought wouldn't happen in my lifetime or the lifetime of my Parents. I was hopeful that my children would be bless to see it. God be Praised!
I am one that does look at the fruit one bears. Everyone should be as wise. This is why I love the book of Proverbs. It is beneficial to become wise.
It has been proven that I am not as contemporay in my thinking as you are Pastor Kraig. Maybe when we get some time, this would be a great subject of debate :-)
I am anticipating the end of the election that I feel God is working towards a victory.

Deuteronomy 20:1
"Yes We Can"

Pastor Lance A. Mann said...

Amen my friend! To echo Mother's words, YES WE CAN!!!
