Thursday, September 20, 2007

Preparing for 2008

This is my feeble attempt to start the blog thing again. I don't know much about the blogging world, other than the fact that I have a few friends, co-laborers (ministers) and seminary classmates who are into this blog thing. I have done a horrible job of logging onto the blog, posting, etc. I do love to read the blogs of Kevin L Pullam (my elder brother), H.B. Charles, and Tony Rhone, all pastors and great preachers in their own right. I must admit that I am not even good about reading their posts, mostly because I forget their url's. At this time now-I am praying about the direction our church will take for 2008. Cornerstone is a good church; I think that there is solid, stable, Christ-centered, expositional preaching each and every week. The teaching is sound, relevant and applicable to the lives of the people in our church family. Worship is empowering. Through much prayer, seeking God and observation--we need to do a much better job at assimilation. Yes--we could use more laborers, workers, etc. But the bottom line is that our reaching, retaining and enriching the lives and interests of outsiders--is completely lacking. I will spend time over the next month trying to put together some kind of workable program that will 1) motivate our people to do this 2) clearly show our people (and myself) how to put it into practice 3) execute the plan in a way that we will see it working. Please pray for me--as we seek to do something that I know very little about.

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