Thursday, September 11, 2008

Disappointment With God?

For the past seven days I have kind of been a recluse, so to speak. I have had, in my view, some major disappointments that have led to questions with God. I know there are many who say that we should never question God. I would almost echo the sentiment of Christ Himself had never uttered the interrogative, 'My God...why have you forsaken me?'. For sure, I am no better than Christ; so yes I have questioned God. For several months I have been praying about some things in my life and ministry; believing that the Lord navigated some of the circumstances - I became optimistic about it all. To say the least - I found myself devastated, frustrated, and completely confused. I found myself saying: 'God...if you are real, I need you to show me'. Response: Nothing. 'God...if this is your will...speak.' Response: Nothing. ' me what to do now'. Response: Nothing.

Interestingly, it is not by accident that I have been given an assignment to read through and study the book of Habakkuk. Habakkuk, one of the minor prophets with a major message, had a similar struggle. Habakkuk says, 'O long shall I cry, And You will not hear? Even cry out to You, "Violence!" And You will not save.'

The message that reverberates in Habakkuk is the fact that God is faithful and sure-even when life is fickle. I will not deny that this season of my life has challenged my faith; but I am still convinced that the Lord has a wonderful plan; and that He has ordered our steps. I am reminded of the words I once read: Never doubt in the dark what God has taught yon in the light.


Pastor Lance A. Mann said...

Kraig, I too have been in the place where you are right now, and sometimes with all of the struggles that our relocation project has brought, I am feeling that myself. I am praying for you and with you that God will make plain his will and way for your life and ministry, and just know that you have a brother in NJ praying for you, as I know that you are praying for me in Houston.


Anonymous said...

"The just shall live by faith."
I feel your angst Kraig. Be encouraged God knows what He is doing.

Praying for you and your ministry.

Be Encouraged!

Tony R.

Rev.Aaron Holcombe said...

I know exactly how you feel right now. And I too have on occasion questioned God about things that were going on in my life. Hang in there brother, He will never let you down.
Your brother in Christ Jesus,

Pastor A. A. McGhee said...

Sometimes we are totally oblivious to those who live on the same street we do. This post assures me that I'm not the only one that flirts with this feeling. Thank God for friends and family who come alongside us to strenghthen our faith and deepen our praise.

I remember what the writer of Hebrews tells us " I will never leave thee nor forsake thee." It says the same backwards " thee forsake nor thee leave never will I." Stay strong my brother, you are a blessing to the body of Christ!

Pastor W.L. Pullam said...

I feel you brother pastor and can totally relate to exactly where you are right now. Trust me,you are not alone. We are in the yoke with you. And, yes, contrary to popular belief, God does not have a problem with us questioning Him.
The study in Habakkuk is definitely going to be a blessing for you. Quite a few years ago when I was in going through a really rough spot I read a book titled "Disappointment With God" by Philip Yancey. God used it to really bless and encourage me.
God has something really great in your future and you will "reap in due season if you faint not". I am now and will continue to be in prayer with you.

Vietta P's two cents worth said...

Pastor Kraig, I can relate to your feelings of disappointment.
To me there is no greater illusion of disappointment than that of my God. I place such high expectations and trust in Him to look out for my best good. I have literally shouted at God at the top of my voice knowing He could strike me dead... WHY LORD???? I have to also admit that I have been angry with Him.

After venting my frustrations, I came to realize that He was always looking out for me. He never stopped. He always have and always will. After a period of time my question "why" would eventually be revealed. Then before I knew it I was shouting THANK YOU LORD!! for only you knew...

I will be in sincere prayer for you as you reconcile your disppointment with God. He has an ultimate plan for you. All of your experiences, frustrations, tears, triumphs, obedience, disobedience, victories, trials and temptations are playing a vital part in it's conclusion. Just wait and be patient. I love you My Baby.


And so, after he had patiently
endured, he obtained the promise.
Hebrews 6:15

Keith D. Witherspoon said...

When you can't feel God's hand, you must trust His heart!!

He knows the thoughts that He thinks of you, thoughts of good and not evil, to bring you to an expected end!! Be encouraged my brother.

Clinton Smith said...

I found that questioning God is not always a bad thing because it's during those times when we question God that we learn more about God. Trials come to make us better not bitter. Keep seeking God's face through your questions. Trust me, He will answer in the appropriate time. Covering you with believing prayer!