Monday, October 13, 2008

Out of the loop...but all is well.

I have been out of the loop this past week. As many of you may know - this has been a hectic time for me with all of the many things going on. Most importantly, please keep my wife D'Ani in your prayers. This past Friday we had to take her to the Emergency Room - and have been dealing with some things since that time. She is at home and doing well; her spirits are well. D'Ani is very strong; and an extremely strong woman of faith and virtue. I ask that during this week if you will lift her up in your prayers; and also that I will be an encouragement to her during this time - as her husband and as her pastor. Thanks!!!


Pastor A. A. McGhee said...

Being a pastor, I know how important it is for our wives to be in good health because they provide strength and encouragement that make us want to go on. Please know that you and D'ani our in our prayers.

Vietta P's two cents worth said...

I have been in prayer and I will continue to do so for you and Dee. God is able to fix the inside and the outside. He will direct your path as husband and pastor. Love to you both.


Anonymous said...

Thank God that Dee has such a godly husband. You two are a wonderful couple. May God bring healing and strength according to His will.

Be Encouraged.

Tony R.

Ronald said...

Pastor Pullam I will keep you and your wife in my prayers.


D.A. Thomas said...

Pastor Kraig,

I'm praying for you and I'll add you to my prayer list. God will see you through this.

Rev. D.A. Thomas

Pastor Kevin Lanier Pullam said...

To My Brother and Sister,

We believe that the fervent effectual prayer of the righteous will avail much. I totally understand how life's transitions can usher us into some of valleys that are darkened by a fright-worthy "shaddow." But, we have a shepherd who is with us and I am confident that He has the comfort and strength that you need.

We love you and are here if you or Dee should need us.

With ALL my Heart,


Fitts said...

I just prayed for you and your wife and I will continue to lift you both up to our God!

Anonymous said...

Thank you all for your prayers. I am grateful to God for this network of friends! Please continue to pray for us.


D'Ani/ Dee

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