Sunday, September 23, 2012

Sunday in Retrospect

Today we had a good day in worship on the Lord's Day.

Last Sunday we celebrated our annual Men & Women's Day.  As our theme, we chose Philippians 4:8 and the theme: Men & Women Walking in Love, Wisdom and Integrity.  One of our new members, Derrick Garrett, did a short theme in the morning.  D'Ani did the afternoon theme.  They both did a great job!

After taking a break from Matthew 5 on September 9, preaching on the Philippians 4:8 passage myself, I have somewhat abandoned my preaching schedule.  Today was no different.  I chose a passage out of Mark chapter 5, dealing with Jairus' encounter with Christ, and the interruptive encounter of the nameless woman with the 12-year old issue; and the impact this took on the dilemma, emotions and faith of Jairus.  Admittedly, I preached this passage years ago. Actually, the same sermon, essentially.

Here is the short outline form:
There Are Lessons in Listening

Mark 5:34-43

When you learn to listen...

I. Jesus will transform chance into belief

II. Jesus can teach us to eliminate distractions

III.  Jesus can take the impossible and move beyond schedule

All week long, I have come to several conclusions. preaching has changed since being at Mt. Salem.  Some of this could be my congregational makeup, and how invariably different it is from my previous congregation, or maybe an element of my own life circumstances, to perhaps my own spiritual growth and broadening worldview, and a list of other dynamics.  But...if I am honest, I took one of my previous 'sticks', and it didn't fly as I know it previously has.  Admittedly, I did not immerse myself into preparing as I should have.  In both prayer and preparation, I could have gone 'deeper.'.

All in all, God allowed some to be touched by the message....I trust.

Now...I am hoping to pick up with Matthew 5:14-16.

In other news...the Cowboys and Texans both pulled out a win.  Karter Lowelle, our baby boy, turns 2 tomorrow.  That's a big deal; and I think he knows help to his parents and 2 older brothers.  We love that boy! Happy Birthday Karter!

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