Monday, June 27, 2011

What's Been Going on in my World, Part One

It goes without saying that I've been in a period of transition. In November of 2010, I stood in the pulpit and shared with the congregation I founded in 2005, that I felt I had taken our church as far as I could. Our congregation, like many churches, had weathered through many challenges and tests. Some, through the years, were added, while others went on to other places as seasons would change, as they do. But I sensed, for some time, that this was not my church. Yes...I know it is not mine by ownership; but a release from it perhaps no longer being mine by stewardship. This was a total shock for me, and a blow to everything, little or much, I had spent more than 6 years...invested in. I saw the vision. I felt the vision. I had a fire emblazoned within for that vision. Nothing and no one could or would deter me....until, I saw my reality completely disconnected from the vision God had given me. Quite natually, this process seems normal. We all have seasons where we don't see what we envisioned. And I did, for years, liken the many red flags to "spiritual warfare". Several years ago, for the 2nd time in my ministry life, and first as a pastor, I entertained the prospect of going to pastor a nearby congregation, who had been searching for a pastor. I was a little hesitant, knowing that congregation had voted out their pastor. While being a more prominent church in Houston, it didn't help that the church was less than 15 miles from where our congregation worshipped. I was one of two candidates presented to this church for consideration of the pastorate. My internal plan was to possibly merge my congregation there, which would have worked well when considering music and ministry styles, etc. All seemed well, interview went GREAT, the committee seemed to love me, and I was more confident than usual, though prayerful, not overly confident. But something happened that, I believe, bruised me personally and also made me somewhat resentful to myself more than others. As I walked out into the sanctuary...I saw many people present from the congregation I pastored. Apparently, someone close to me had spread to others in our church where I would be preaching, and why. That, with also the visibility of this church, naturally drew my curious parishioners. As I saw that, in that very spirit sank. It was as if i had no further drive to pursue this vineyard, especially staring into the faces of some of the people i had pastored for, at that time, 4 years, including the person i knew shared where i would be. I should've just preached my heart out. While I did preach the Word, I look now at that DVD, and am certain it was not even close to my best. I'm still realizing the scars that experience left me with. But what I do know, in hindsight, is that was where my credibility was called into question. Things, for me, were never the same again. Until this day, I still don't understand the logic of the person who even shared that trusted information. But that, along with many experiences, taught me many invaluable lessons regarding life, people, and our people. After that, the other congregations voted to call the other candidate. That was September 2008. Things were not the same for myself or the congregation, after that. I made a decision, at that point, I would remain faithful where God had planted me; not pursue anything that God did not tell me to and, third, to go home and give my very best.

For the next two years, that is exactly what I did. I gave my all, implemented a few changes, and began to evaluate where we were in moving forward, including a better facility, with classroom space and technologically savvy, along with more freedom for facility use. Personally, I accelerated my educational pursuits, obtaining my MDiv from Southwestern in May of 2009. I felt if I had to start all over again, I would be bi-vocational, which led me to Chaplain Residency, which began in September 2009. Little did I know, or anticipate, the toll this would take, nor the growth and maturity this would require of my already fledgling congregation. I began to see that, as I moved over, many were not stepping up. Those that were stepping up, the ones who weren't stepping up resented those that were. Immediately, I began to hone in on my gift of Christian Education to try and grow our people to all were as teams, and to all work in the area of evangelism and outreach. I expected some to step up more, but they didn't, and I was busy trying to jeep up at the hospital. Eventually, a few left as a result of my growing commitment to the hospital. It would be impossible for any member I pastor to call and I not be there. That was guaranteed. But....I think they may have sensed my busy-ness, ESPECiALLY the young adults. That is, in fact, the only demographic I've discovered, who must have that connection with their pastor. Don't know if this is because I'm a young adult and they see more in me; but from my readings and research, I gather it has much to do with a generational things my generation needs to have with their leader. All in all....I sometimes winder if I should have just 'sucked it up' after a long day, and met a different person, each day, at Starbucks. But if I did that I'd drive myself crazy. I would later discover that I'm actually a very good pastor who loves people. Something I suppose I knew all along. After all, I've only been under great pastors, so I got something by osmosis!

At every stage and phase, I saw a different dynamic at work. I have gone through my own changes, and so had the congregation. Somewhere along, I sensed a change taking place between us.

Back to November 2010....I preached the first Sunday of that month entitled 'When God says No', referring to God's informing to David that he would not build the temple. I simply said, without saying I heard an audible voice from God (I'm afraid to do that), I had taken the church as far as I could. I had it all figured out...even had in mind who would succeed me. Little did I life and ministry would become more difficult than ever.

In just one Sunday....
I was viewed (not by all people, don't get me wrong) a quitter opportunistic discouraged by the numbers disappointed in our people

I felt that I had searched and personally settled all of these issues, deducting them as not me...even before mounting the pulpit that Sunday morning. What happened next, is when things probably became a little more complicated.

Stay tuned for part two of 'Whats been going on in my world"...


Pastor W.L. Pullam said...

Wow! Son/Pastor, this is a great post and what you have shared is heartfelt and so many,many pastor/preachers can relate to exactly to the entire process that you described because so many of us have "been there and done that."
God has a way of taking us on some very interesting and challenging journeys and, might I add, often confusing one's. But, as in all things,God has express purposes in all that He takes us through and/or allows us to experience.
And,yes, God does indeed let us know when "it is time." And, yes, He does let us know when "seasons" must change. And,yes,sometimes even "visions" change. I know there is a danger of my being accused of taking the text out of context but I going there anyway because I feel that it is very appropriate and fits right here; we are told in the word that for now "we see through a glass darkly", simply meaning that we don't always see the whole picture or vision at any single time. God reveals things to us in His time and in His seasons. It's His business and He operates it His way. We are His instruments but ultimately, it is He who gives the vision and he issues it out(sometimes piece by piece) as He sees fit. In His permissive will, the Lord will even allow others to disrupt or delay the vision for a season but He never, and I do mean never,relinquishes control.
Do let me interject brother preacher that there is nothing at all wrong with looking toward or being lead to look toward another congregation. That is all a part of God's plan too. Leadership changes happen for many reasons: some good and some bad but,change happens. So that is perfectly normal and nothing at all to feel guilty about.
Now, here comes the tuff part but since I have been blessed to pastor for nearly 30 years, 26 of those in one place, I do not hesitate to "go there" because I have seen it with these eyes on more than one ocassion. Here it is:
The devil often sabotages or uses others to sabotage a divine plan. Yep, you heard it right. The devil will ofetn manipulate and undermine, and scheme to try and, so to speak, throw a monkey wrench into the divine plan. And I see that element present in this situation because someone you obviously trusted with some very personal information shared that with members of the congregation that you were currently pastoring. Now that was not a good or comfortable situation for you or for the people in the place where you were preacing but, guess what? The devil knew that and this is exactly what he wanted to do. Be a distraction. But, we do live and learn, even as painful as it sometimes is. And, yes, those kinds of betrayals hurt very deeply. But we must move on and eventually let it go but I do feel certain that if something like this ever happened again one thing you would not do is allow it to distract from your preaching. Yes, you should have just preached your heart out and if ever put in this sutiuation ever again that is exactly what you would do I'm sure. But, the bottom line is this, "all things work together for good to them that love God...." so,the devil might have meant it for evil but God meant it for good.
Well, this comment has ended up being far longer that I intended so I guess I will have to kind of make it "Comment to What's Been Going on in My World: Part One.
But do let me say before I go that from what I have observed in these many years of being in ministry; the average person/member has a hard time of just accepting the fact that God has said to the preacher that "it's time to move on." They always have to make it be about something else, (quitter, discouraged, etc.) other than the will and prompting of God!
But, when God speaks, we not only must listen, we must act! We cannot simply hear, we have got to do something. And many times what we do will be misunderstood and mistaken but, we have got to do what we are lead by the Holy Spirit to do.
I love you son. God bless and "preach on."

Vietta P's two cents worth said...

First, let me say ALL of the above needed to be said and needed to be vented for the benefit of not only you, but for us all. I can hardly wait for part 2.

If A human life is blessed to be lived long enough; these very inner feelings will happen to each of us at one time or another, in various situations, and on higher levels. Certainly, our dilemmas within the spiritual realm would seem greater and more intense at times. For we already know, and it's been said before, that it's designed to be that way, from each side of influence...for our testing and/or temptationssssss. The outcome is the consequences we experience from our decision, and lack of obedient halt or execution.

You needed to hear yourself say these things TO yourself. Unbeknowingly to you, you have helped somebody else, including me.

While I was in a very dark place within myself, awhile ago right after you were born, unconciously I went the LONG way around to get to a conclusion that I ALREADY had within. Little did I know it was designed to prepare me for my station in life as a mother to Pastors and as a co-laborer with my husband in pastoral ministry (as a very strong influence in particular areas) as "The Pastor's Wife", descretely with the parishoners on MANY levels.


God doesn't just deal with his anointed (male or female) for preaching the Gospel Ministry alone. With many, the minuet God makes it apparent that He has a profound plan and will for their spiritual lives, a lot of them mis-interpret, and miss their TRUE calling. Why is it that most want to be/do the other guy's job that to them seem more rewarding and appealing than the one that God wants them to do? I know Lord what you said, but NO! I hate washing dishes, I rather do the laundry, & I don't care if you or anybody else don't like it, Lol!

This does not apply to you, but this blog brings to my thoughts something I am VERY passionate about..."A Lack of Spiritual Common Sense" The Holy Spirit is intelligent & He NEVER contradicts Himself. We can discern from the word of God ALL THINGS, when we get SELF out of the way. After we have become good stewards over ALL "He has blessed & placed in our hands", THEN we could "possibly" move to greater responsibilities if HE sees fit.
God does NOT lie. It's impossible for him to elevate us while NOT being a good prioritizer and a good steward, because of what He says in I Timothy 3:5.

Why would one wonder... "why can't I be the head cook on my job"?? While knowing that they are not cooking and keeping their kids fed at home with a wholesome meals, AND can't half cook well at work? Why would God move on their behalf to elevate them when their FIRST priorities (responsibilities at work, kids, home) is faltering? That would make God a liar, unjust, AND an awful good steward over the rest of His children. God is in control and He knows best where we should fit and work. So far there are enough of us to minister where HE puts us. There's a LOT to be done in a whole lot of areas, especially in mentoring home and family life ministries. The devil is tearing them apart to make us weak and vunerable.

Well, it's bible study time. I didn't intend to say all of that but God placed it upon my heart for some reason or somebody. I just hope that the Holy Spirit help it find it's place and that individual(s) step out of self and except it for what it's intended to do.

Can't wait to see you face to face. I hope we have hours to share this time. Remain encouraged and keep your ear towards heaven's door.

I love you with my whole heart,

Pastor Kevin Lanier Pullam said...

All I can say is that "what's been going on in" your world is EXACTLY the same as in mine. I thank God for the ministry that was manifested from you toward me in this post. It was therapeutic to discover that I am not alone. At this very moment in time, I am still getting daily reminders of how the people in my passed assignment were SO FAR removed from me and the vision that God (I KNOW He did) had planted in my bosom. The beautiful thing is that God had in incubation great things for another place and people. Be encouraged my dear brother and "not deceived, God is not mocked..." We ALL (in and outside of His will) must walk into the season of reaping what's been sown. Love you, Kevin

Pastor Kraig L. Pullam said...

I thank you all for sharing your thoughts and encouraging words. You dint know how much your words have, in turn, ministered to me.

Anonymous said...

Great and encouraging post Pullam. And in the midst of it thing I am sure of is...God Kept You!!!!

Stay encouraged and keep writting my brother.
